Due to the box office success of TRANSFORMERS, producers are now turning to Anime' to make a new movie. This time it will be ROBOTECH.
Lawrence Kasdan, the noted screenwriter behind Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back and Raiders Of The Lost Ark, has just had his name attached to Robotech. According to reports, Kasdan will be the new writer for the adaptation of the American cartoon based on three Japanese anime series.
The original cartoon of Robotech tells the story of a future Earth which comes under a series of alien invasions, and uses that alien technology to create transforming vehicles to fight back. The American series drew from three unconnected Japanese series, but somehow managed to make them into a coherent storyline.
Robotech is set to be developed by Tobey Maguire's Maguire Entertainment for Warner Brothers.
It's pretty obvious that Tobey Maguire will play the lead role, but were not sure yet, so will have to wait.
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